Amendment Same Sex Marriage

Marriages performed in some municipalities and recognized by the state; For some purposes, from all jurisdictions where same-sex marriage is legal

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The Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) is a law that, among other things, prohibited married same-sex couples from collecting federal benefits. It was overruled on June

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Within the already controversial realm of gay rights, one of the most controversial topics is same-sex marriage. After extensive litigation, the U.S. Supreme Court

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Jun 27, 2015 · In a long-sought victory for the gay rights movement, the court ruled, 5-4, that the Constitution guarantees a right to same-sex marriage.

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Same-sex marriage Statute. In June 1995, the Michigan House of Representatives voted 88-14 to ban same-sex marriage in the state, while the Michigan State Senate

The Supreme Court of the United States has ruled that marriage equality is legal in all 50 states under the fourteenth amendment. But what does the amendment say?

Jul 27, 2016 · Read CNN’s Fast Facts on same-sex marriage and learn more about gay marriage legislation around the world.

Media misrepresent the Christian baker’s Supreme Court case. It’s about the First Amendment, not same-sex marriage

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Read five key facts about same-sex marriage, two years after U.S. Supreme Court issued a landmark ruling that granted same-sex couples the right to marry.

Dozens of states had ballot measures on same-sex marriage during the midterm elections in 2006, and the issue looks to heat up again as candidates campaign for 2008.

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