Debates On Gay And Lesbian Marriages

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With more than 100 gay bars, discos, bookshops, restaurants and hotels, the gem of the Netherlands has a fabulous and friendly scene. For a different twist on a

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From the debate over same-sex marriage to the military’s “Don’t ask, don’t tell policy,” issues that affect the lesbian, gay, bisexual and trangender (LGBT) community

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Take part in our gay marriage debate and voice whether you are for or against gay marriage.

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Same-sex marriage, also known as gay marriage, is marriage between people of the same sex, either as a secular civil ceremony or in a religious setting.

Nov. 21, 1976 – Non-Church Sanctioned Gay Wedding Makes News “Back on Nov. 21, 1976, in Northwest Washington, [Wayne] Schwandt and [John] Fortunato walked down the

Sexual orientation Menu Past and present civil rights battles. Lesbian, gay, & bisexual (LGB) issues now. All viewpoints covered. In this website and just about

Doug’s Recent Posts. Two years after Obergefell ruling, polls show demand for gay ‘marriage’… Two years after Obergefell ruling, polls show demand for gay

The Gay and Lesbian Kingdom of the Coral Sea Islands (also known as The Gay Kingdom of the Coral Sea – for example on postage stamps) was established as a symbolic

These guidelines provide practitioners with a frame of reference for the treatment of lesbian, gay and bisexual clients, and basic information and further references

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Background, arguments, quotes and video on the issue, provided by a non-partisan group.

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