Devon Sawa Kiss

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May 31, 2017 · Devon Sawa played the flesh-and-blood version of the ghostly Casper– and shares an on-screen kiss with Christina Ricci as Kat– in the 1995 soulful film

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Directed by Dewey Nicks. With Devon Sawa, Robert B. Martin Jr., Jason Segel, Michael C. Maronna. When geeky Ethan discovers three fellow students scamming the

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SLC Punk! is a 1998 American comedy-drama film written and directed by James Merendino. The film is about the punk rock fan Steven “Stevo” Levy, a high college

Directed by James Wong. With Devon Sawa, Ali Larter, Kerr Smith, Kristen Cloke. After a teenager has a terrifying vision of him and his friends dying in a plane crash

Devon Edward Sawa (born September 7, 1978) is a Canadian actor. He began acting when he was a teen, appearing in the films Little Giants (1994), Casper (1995), Now

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May 05, 2008 · You should turn your volume high when you are watching this 🙂 This movie “Casper” movie is so magical! Especially that music! I’m lovin’ it. “Can I keep

Digimon Frontier (デジモンフロンティア Dejimon Furontia), known as “Digimon 4” in South America, is the

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