Fat Man Eating Mcdonalds

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McDonald’s sells 75 hamburgers every second, amounting to over 2.36 billion burgers per year – roughly the equivalent of eating a million cows

Provides brief description of documentary, comments, cast, and crew information.

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A NYC psychologist claims denying a McDonald’s makes you an unfit parent. Here are five reasons that’s total b.s.

McDonald’s caught engaging in propaganda scheme at high colleges, teaching that ‘fast food is nutritious’

This documentary is very misleading. Of course you can loss body weight by eating a diet of fast food. A key factor in determining body weight is the individuals

The first ingredient is “white boneless chicken” – well one would hope so, I mean it’s a chicken nugget you are eating. But then it gets a little scary.

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Inedia (Latin for “fasting”) or breatharianism / b r ɛ θ ˈ ɛər i ə n ɪ z əm / is the belief that it is possible for a person to live without consuming food.

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My friend needed to lose 25 pounds in a month without dieting. He had to lose at least 20 pounds in less than 30 days or he would be off the team. Here is what

A college student tried eating McDonald’s for 10 days straight and paid for it with devastated gut bacteria.

McDonald’s is a disturbing story about one man’s obsession with the famous fast food restaurant. When his family get tired of eating at McDonald’s, the man

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