Gap Sex

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There are significant gaps in our knowledge on the evolution of sex, according to a research review on sex chromosomes from Lund University in Sweden. Even after more

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The orgasm gap separates couples, both physically and emotionally. Move past the frustration and try Promescent, the spray that helps men last longer in bed.

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Sex & Relationships This Company Is Giving Away Free Sex Toys to Help Close the Orgasm Gap

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This hands-free couples’ vibrator aims “to make the world a happier place, one vagina at a time.”

The sex ratio is the ratio of males to females in a population. In most sexually reproducing species, the ratio tends to be 1:1. This tendency is explained by Fisher

Are You Financially Frustrated? Chances Are Your Sex Life Is Taking a Hit, Too Sex Life; Can My Labia Change Colors? Plus More Answers to Your Lady Part Questions Body

Gap Sex 22

You’ve probably heard that men are paid more than women are paid over their lifetimes. But what does that mean? The Simple Truth about the Gender Pay Gap explains

Feminist author Rachel Hills is starting a new sexual revolution. Join the movement to break the Sex Myth.

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The gender pay gap is the average difference between a man’s and a woman’s remuneration. There are two distinct numbers regarding the pay gap: unadjusted versus

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