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I grew up in New Jersey, so i’m pretty biased when it comes to NJHC. The first hardcore shows i ever saw were Jersey bands, and most of the first records i bought

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Pribumi Bersatu is more Malaysian than UMNO, as former wants Malays to unite and work with other citizens as Malaysians, while the latter wants Malaysians to remain

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Forget about Kaz, Forget about Amani and Even Size 8 and the Dress Drama, this month Brainlessness brought us one of the biggest highligths of Kenya’s porn parody, a

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And so, we reach the first goal of 300$ in donations for financing next KoPC update !!! It’s a great day, for all KoPC supporters, and I can’t thank you enough for

Okay, y’all have got over 500 stories to have fun with. Leave some comments on the ones you like. Who knows, maybe the authors will read them and write some more

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The intervening period between my last article of this nature and this one were tumultuous, you might say. I have learned a lot about life, the world, your mom

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