Monique Alexander Porn Star

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Tattoos “Bad Pussy” back of neck; Small pink heart right of navel; Hellokitty with a red heart left of pubes; Large design of red and purple flowers and blue

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Monique Alexander Porn Star 69

Monique Alexander Porn Star 101

Watch Monique Alexander at FreeOnes Free sex videos, photo sets and biography. All Monique Alexander videos, pictures and more!

Alexander was born in Vallejo, California and began working in the adult industry as a stripper in Sacramento when she was 18 to supplement her daytime earnings as a

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Watch Monique Alexander in “Brazzers – The Best Of Both Worlds” and enjoy full length porn videos of Monique Alexander on

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Monique Alexander has been in adult entertainment since 2001 when she did a teen teen scene in Hot Showers Number 2.

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An award-winning porn queen is imploring parents to introduce their s to sex before she does. “Your is watching,” Monique Alexander bluntly states in an ad

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