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Coco Austin, Self: Ice & Coco. Nicole Austin was born in 1979 in Palos Verdes, California. Austin later lived in Albequerque, New Mexico at the age of 10. She began

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Coco Austin; Información personal; Nombre de nacimiento: Nicole Natalie Austin: Nacimiento: 17 de marzo de 1979 (38 años) Tarzana, California, Estados Unidos

Coco Austin Quick Bio Info Babe Name: Coco Austin Aliases: Nicole Austin, Coco Marie, Nicole Coco Austin, Coco-T Date of Birth: March 17, 1979 (38 years old)

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Welcome to the all new Coco’s World! Stay up to date on all news about Coco and check out Coco’s celebrity friends, fans artwork and Coco’s shop page for everything Coco.

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