Penis Destroyed

Norwegians are hoping to raise €20,000 to re-erect a penis-shaped rock felled on Saturday in what experts believe was an attack by vandals.

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Penis Destroyed 110

Sometimes you want to make love. And sometimes, you just want to destroy your man’s penis. Check out the eight sex positions below that’ll be sure to rock his

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America Must Be Destroyed is Gwar’s third album, released in 1992 as their second album on Metal Blade Records. The album’s lyrical content was inspired by

Check out 10 valuable objects destroyed by sheer clumsiness, stupidity, stubbornness or completely unforeseen circumstances. (art, priceless, lost art)

“Sex: Unknown” PBS Airdate: October 30, 2001 Go to the companion Web site. NARRATOR: In August 1965, in the small Canadian town of Winnipeg, Janet Reimer gave birth

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1988 Darwin Award: Priapism Takes a Penis: Doctors warn of a dangerous new method of cocaine : injecting the drug directly into the urinary tract. Physicians

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A couple of weeks ago one or more vandals destroyed Trollpikken, a rock formation that resembles a phallus and is beloved by locals in Eigersund, Norway, around 200

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Foot femdom: Crush, trample, ball kicking, ball busting, face standing.

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Like a slapstick movie where the buffoon main character encounters a priceless work of art, and then accidentally destroys it in some hilarious way, a shocking number

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