Quarter Midget Video

Welcome to the CPG Motorsports Website. CPG Motorsports is your championship earning source for racing engines, belt drives, shocks, parts, supplies and information

The 2017 SJQMA Racing schedule has been posted. The season starts with an opening track work party on March 18. Rookie colleges also starts March 18 and continues

The 2017 Duel in the Desert Now Comes To Our Track Here in Albuquerque! Rounds 3 & 4 May 20th and 21st! Parking begins on Friday – May 19th at 8 AM at Sandia Speedway.

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Walking a quarter midget paddock for the first time really gave me a sense of what this kind of racing was about, as well as the budgets that go along with it.

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– WELCOME! – QuarterMidgets.com is dedicated to the sport of Quarter Midget Racing, the s, Parents, Grand Parents, Sponsors, and Businesses of the Sport.

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Quarter Midgets of America would like to thank Honda Racing Engines, Honda Racing HPD. For their years of sponsorship to QMA.

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Quarter Midget Racing, always free Admission ~ We aim to create & maintain a clean, safe, healthy sport, which may be enjoyed by all family members.

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This site consists of pages dedicated to specific Speedcar drivers and pages of general midget photos. Concentrating on the 50s and 60s but lots of shots of earlier

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Quarter Midget racing for s ages 5 to 16

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Arrive & Drive Details – July 15th. On July 15th, NCQMA will hold another of their popular “Arrive & Drive” promotional days where ren between the ages of

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