Sexist Pussy

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Pussy Riot is a Russian feminist protest punk rock group based in Moscow. Founded in August 2011, it had a variable membership of approximately 11 women ranging in

Jul 25, 2017 · Rhymes: -ʊsi; Hyphenation: pus‧sy; Noun . pussy (plural pussies) An affectionate term for a cat. [from 17th c.] 2007, Liz Jones, “Are cats the new s

Oct 07, 2016 · Video embedded · A “hot mic” catches Donald J. Trump bragging in vulgar terms about making sexual advances toward a married woman, aggressively kissing and groping other

Oct 07, 2016 · Video embedded · Donald Trump Vulgar Convo leak Donald Trump who has frequently drawn fire for his remarks about women was caught on tape having a foul-mouthed exchange

President Donald Trump Sets New Low With Sexist Twitter Attack On Mika Brzezinski

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Anderson Cooper’s Eye-Roll Isn’t Sexist “Members of the Right saying something is sexist is nothing but a ploy to gain the sympathy of people like you who care about

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Jun 29, 2017 · Trump Tweets Disgustingly Sexist Attack Against ‘Morning Joe’ Host The president said Mika Brzezinski “was bleeding badly from a face-lift.”

Aug 19, 2015 · 18 Real Things Donald Trump Has Actually Said About Women Yes, this man is running for president.

Years ago, Donald Trump visited the set of a soap opera and made sexually explicit remarks about groping women that were caught on tape. The Washington Post reported

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